Thursday, February 1, 2018

First India Trip

Applying for the visa to India online, first trip to that great and historic civilization. Interesting that visa application has mandatory question to identify one's religion from a drop down menu of about 10. Other than specified religions, only option is 'Others'. Non-religious not welcome? Surprised Parsi was listed as a religion too, just thought that was a language. Also requires one to note any 'visible identification marks'. big nose? maybe just scars and tattoos? It also distinguished birth or naturalized citizen, required details on mother and father, and of course if anyone back several generations was of Pakistani descent. Also, required to state if you had any military service background. Not quite as amusing as Britain's requirement to self identify whether you are a person 'of good character' but always a treat to see what it takes to visit a country. Will find out in 72 hours if I am accepted. Hopefully.